
Showing posts from February, 2025

A Sample Text

  Sverde in de Vind ov Manowar Ig ofer mìn siel, Òdin, heor mìn kal, Sumdag skal ig sita bè dìn tròn In Valhals gròt hal; Az sèr mange vòr mig, Skal ig doa met èr ug stolthèd, De rèt ov en krìgar Èvig kempa bè dig. Send en tèken, hef de sèl, Vink en sist farvël; Skebni kal, Lat undòbàrhèd ara mìn. Rùp to de hex kasta de rùne, Vèva en magisk spel. Vi vem do in slàg ar bort Nit fur de hemel, nit fur de helvit. Vi ar sone ov Òdin, De fujer vat vi bren inig Ar de erv ov krìgar-kunge Vem regèr òberig in de himel. Ig skal lèda de atak, Mìn sverd into de vind. Sone ov Òdin kemp Fur doa ug lèva igën. Vìking-skipe krus de sè In kold vind ug rèn, Sèl into de svarthèd ov nat, Magiske sterne or veglèdend lìt. Dìsdag skal de blud ov slàg Po mìne vapone ingentìd trokena, Mange skal ig senda into de grund, Làfend van di do. Vi ar sone ov Òdin, ug so vèder. Ig skal lèda de atak, u.s.v. Lèg mìn korp po en skip Ug bren dèt in de sè, Lat mìn gèst stìg...

My English to Folksprak Dictionary (WIP)

Currently 1018 entries. Diaereses (ë) show that the vowel is not reduced; they aren't required in the written language. a(n), en abnormal, unnormal about, om about, um above, òber above, òberig abuse, misbrùk accelerate, raskerena ace, es across, tvar adjective, adjektiv adverb, adverb after, efter again, igën against, gègen air, luft alive, in lèv alive, lèvend all, ale allow, lat alphabet, alfabët alphabetical, alfabëtisk also, ògz always, altìd among(st), blant and, ug animal, dìr annual, jàrlik answer, anvord ape, àp app, ap apple, epel April, april are, ar area, areal area, gebìt arm, àrm (limb) army, armè (cf. hèr) army, hèr (cf. armè) around, um art, kunst artificial, kunstlik (cf. unnatùrlik) artist, kunstar artistic, kunstarisk as(?), az (in the way that/to the extent that) ash, ask ask, fràg (stela fràge = ask/pose questions) astronomer, astronom astronomy, astronomi at, an attempt, fersùk audible, heorbàr August, august aunt(ie), tant automobile, auto autumn, herst ax(e)...

My Folksprak to English Dictionary (WIP)

Currently 566 roots. Diaereses (ë) show that the vowel is not reduced; they aren't required in the written language. adjektiv, n., adjective adverb, n., adverb ak, nr., eight ax, n., axis al, d., every , everyone ; ale, all ; alding, everything ; altìd, always ; alsted, everywhere ald, a., old alfabët, n., alphabet ; alfabëtisk, alphabetical an, pre., at ander, d., other , different (cf. ferskilend ) ; ën-ander, one another , each other anvord, n.v., answer , reply ap, n., app àp, n., ape , monkey apelsìn, n., orange april, n., April ar, v., be , are ; arte, were ; nuarend, present (cf. frongòt, tòkomend ) arbèd, n.v., work (cf. verk ) areal, n., area arm, a., poor (not rich) ; armhèd, poverty àrm, n., arm (limb) armè, n., army (cf. hèr ) az, c., as(?) (in the way that/to the extent that) , like(?) (in the way that/to the extent that) ask, n., ash astronom, n., astronomer ; astronomi, astronomy august, n., August ...

My Folksprak Grammar (WIP)

This is a dense summary of the intergermanic auxlang I’m proposing, which is more comparable to Idiom Neutral than Esperanto. Some key points are: long and short vowels are a feature, but not front-rounded vowels; there are absolutely no irregular plurals or verbs; there is no POS-marking besides POS-specific endings (e.g. plural, past tense); linguistic purism is not an objective, i.e. Romance and other non-Germanic roots are allowed. I mainly use Google Translate, Wiktionary and Verbix.  PDF download available here Alphabet and Pronunciation The following consonants are straightforward in the language: B, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N (also NG, NK), P, R, T, V, X (which equals KS). S and Z are allophones, where the choice of letter is usually the suggested pronunciation, but where when adjacent to a voiced or unvoiced consonant, the S or Z should harmonize with that. The cluster SJ is a special case, in that it is expected – and gently encouraged – that it should be pronoun...